CEC ArtsLink, an international arts organization, is sending Public Art Curator, Kendal Henry and Artist, Gabriel Reese to the City of Kemerovo, Russia. Kendal and Gabriel will conduct workshops and lectures with students and young artists about the various aspects of public art. These workshops and conversations will culminate into collaborative public art project(s) which will be unveiled at the end of this exchange. This Blog documents their journey.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Artwork Site: Globe light

Downtown Kerovskii is dominated by a linear park that forms a spine throughout the district. This spine and the buildings that surround it are our primary site. We imagined that visitors and locals alike would experience contemporary art as they walk along the the park. The globe lights, which line the park is a great opportunity for poetry. There are local poets and writers from Kirovskii whose work would be perfect for this site.

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